

Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Our sign is up!!

Our signboard is up. Make sure the majlis perbandaran license number is clearly indicated. It's on a light timer from 7pm till 11pm.

Inspection day!!

Today, MOH ckaps team came for inspection of my clinic. We prepared some drinks and simple food for them. They came in a group comprising of 2 doctors and 4 medical assistants with a laser measurement device. Unfortunately, we passed everything except for our treatment room which was short by 0.3m (required was 2.4m, ours was 2.1m) hence we have to alter the partition. Our contractor was compliant to the alteration. This goes to show that MOH is strict when it comes to the mandatory requirements of the structural planning. All I have to do now is alter, snap a picture and email them together with an updated floorplan. Then they will submit my application and we wait for their meeting to authorize the running of my clinic. Extra learning points is that they measure a clearing of a room, hence if there's a built in wall cabinet, they will measure from the cabinet to the wall. Extra forms that they requested were my resignation approval letter from MOH human resources putrajaya and an updated mmc certificate bearing my new clinic name. Phew!!! That was quite an experience.... 

Saturday, 28 December 2013

Almost there!

Finishing touches done today. It's beginning to look more and more like a clinic. Hoping that the inspection will go smoothly. 

Friday, 27 December 2013

Finalization for inspection

The time is almost near. The date for MOH inspection is just around the corner and we have made efforts to clean the clinic area up and prepare the required resources for inspection. They will do an infrastructure inspection first so drugs are not required yet. If we pass this, next would be the pharmacy inspection. Then, we will be good for opening. We are praying that everything goes smoothly. I will update the progress as we go along. Wish us luck!! 

Thursday, 26 December 2013

How to open a clinic part 2

6. MBSA license
Its imperative that the license is done as soon as possible. Mine was with MBSA. For your own clinic, its considered as a sole proprietor , hence a business association (sdn bhd) is not needed. There's no need for an SSM number. If you plan to open branches in the future, its recommended that you form a company to manage the clinics under you. For now, if you're opening the clinic on your own, all you need is your MMC number. Bring along your MMC and APC (annual practice) certificate with the other forms to MBSA. If you're willing to wait, the licence  process takes 5 weeks, but they also provide a 1 hour processing service which comes with a fee. The file number that comes with the license goes on your signboard.

Change of address of APC. If you plan to open a new bank account for your clinic, and even for MOH registration, they would like your APC to be updated to your current clinic. Go to the Malaysian Medical Council in Jalan Cenderasawi with a copy of the KKM approval to open a clinic letter and request for them to amend the address on your APC. This will take 4 weeks to complete. This can be used to open a new bank account for the clinic and to register your clinic with UKAPS KKM.

Sunday, 15 December 2013

Our counter

Our counter is complete. It looks exactly the way we want it. 

Thursday, 12 December 2013


Our doors have finally arrived. As it was custom made, we were supposed to wait for 2 weeks but it took them 4 weeks to complete. As I said, expect unexpected delays. At least there's closure...

Monday, 9 December 2013

Our plastic bag, sticker, receipt and MC artwork format.

It has been finalized, our plastic bags, stickers, receipt and MC format. There are a few companies out there that provide this service to clinics. Look them via your drug rep. Prices may vary but they always sell in big bulks. Very big bulks. So choose wisely... 

Friday, 6 December 2013

Medical Supply

Our medical supply arrived on 5th dec 2013. This was just half of the things we need and it was costly however necessary. There are specific medical equipments that are mandatory to have in the clinic by MOH rules such as the oxygen tank, nebulizer, sterilizer, ECG machine and so on. A list is given. Some are best purchased, and some can be taken on a lease basis (especially the expensive ones like an ultrasound or fbc machine). Apparently, medical equipments are not cheap. So look around for used ones or substitutes that are within the requirements to save costs. And scout around from different medical suppliers who offer the best price. Ours are from 4 different companies. We are waiting for the other half of the supply soon. Hopefully, when everything arrives, then we can settle the drugs/medications. Phew!!! 

Thursday, 5 December 2013


The pharmacy is taking shape. Spent 5 hours building the shelves and chairs. Getting old and slow. But it was worth it.

Sunday, 1 December 2013


Unexpectedly, there is a delay in renovation. Doors are still pending. There were leaks from the piping which needs rectifying. And small other tid bits that need addressing. All my drugs and medical equipments are put on hold waiting for the final completion of the clinic. Learning point: foresee delays in renovations. Plan for worse case scenario.