

Wednesday, 26 November 2014


It's been awhile since I've posted. The clinic has been busy lately which is a good sign. As an update, I would like to layout the events that occurred since opening 9 months ago. What to expect from patient loads and finance.

At first, it was quiet. 2 to 3 patients per day and nothing much to do. Don't despair as it is normal to expect this early in the business. It then slowly picked up to 10-15 patients a day. This happened several weeks into opening. New walk in patients, which eventually became regular patients here. Some even become friends.

The clinic was able to fend for itself in 2 months, meaning the income covered the rent, utilities, salary of nurses and medications. I have not received my salary yet. (paying the loan)

Throughout the months, patient loads would increase gradually. However for me, the patient load was not as many as I hoped for as there are 3 other clinics nearby that just opened. I guess the distribution of patients is divided amongst the 4 of us. However, the loyal patients will remain with my clinic.

This is normal in business I guess. There will be other similar businesses as ours opening nearby. A healthy competition is always welcomed but we can't put our hopes to much in gaining richness. New ideas and strategies would help make the clinic more appealing to some as well as the staff that attends them.

At this time, patient numbers average in the 20's. Certain days would be slow, some would be lucrative. But in the end, perseverance and confidence in needed to believe that the business will grow. In time...

Monday, 5 May 2014

Enrolling in Panels

Once you receive your Borang B (the official clinic Licence) from the Ministry of Health, your clinic is officially operational. Hence advertising and applying for panel is legal.

Surviving alone on walk in patients has its pro and cons. Whether the volume is not adequate enough to sustain your clinic and you might loose patients to other clinics which have panels of their preference. Therefore, it is wise to evaluate your patient flow and see whether you would benefit from walk in patients alone or together with panel patients.

The only qualm I here about panels are their payments. Some are disciplined enough to pay you on time every time but others may vary and for those unfortunate clinics, payment might take up to 3 months to a year!! Some don't pay the correct amount as promised. So choose a trusted and reliable panel which can provide you a smooth business transaction.

Once Borang B is available, a portfolio of your clinic is needed, background, services, charges and pictures is compiled together and submitted via mail to the corresponding panel of your selection. They will then contact you back on confirmation of the application. Go to their respective website for additional information on panel application.

Amongst the known panels in Malaysia : AIA, Great Eastern, PMCare, MiCare, Proton, Tesco, TNB, UiTM, PPUM,

Good luck!!

Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Sunday, 2 March 2014



1.     Memberi perkhidmatan perubatan yang premium kepada pesakit.
2.     Menyediakan perkhidmatan, rawatan dan nasihat perubatan pada harga yang berpatutan.
3.     Menjadi klinik perubatan yang menawarkan perkhidmatan perubatan yang terunggul serta perkhidmatan dari pengamal perubatan yang berdedikasi tinggi dan berpengalaman untuk memastikan rawatan perubatan yang berkesan serta berkualiti tinggi.

1.     Menyediakan perkhidmatan perubatan yang lengkap dan berkualiti kepada pesakit.
2.     Mengambil tanggungjawab dalam meningkatkan kesedaran kesihatan dalam komuniti kawasan klinik.
3.     Menyediakan suasana perkhidmatan perubatan yang mesra pesakit dan merawat setiap pesakit dengan penuh kasih sayang seperti keluarga sendiri.


Kawalan infeksi adalah sangat penting dalam menghalang penyebaran penyakit dari seorang pesakit ke pesakit yang lain. Oleh yang demikian, kami akan sentiasa memastikan kawalan infeksi klinik ini dijaga dengan cara yang rapi melalui cara-cara  yang berikut:
-          Membasuh dan merendam peralatan perubatan ke dalam larutan disinfeksi (disinfectant solution) sebelum ia dihantar untuk sterilization.
-          Ke semua peralatan guna buang (disposable items) yang telah digunakan akan dibuang ke dalam tong sampah bio hazard yang disediakan.
-          Peralatan tajam seperti pisau/blade atau jarum akan dibuang ke dalam sharp bin yang disediakan.
-          Segala sisa buangan klinikal iaitu barangan tajam serta hasil peralatan guna buang yang dibuang melalui tong sampah bio hazard, akan dikutip oleh pihak pembersih klinikal setiap bulan, yang seterusnya akan menghantar sisa-sisa tersebut untuk pembakaran (incineration).
-          Klinik ini mengamalkan 7 langkah kebersihan tangan (7 stages of hand hygiene) untuk memastikan kawalan infeksi.
-          Klinik ini menyediakan kemudahan pencucian tangan yang mencukupi untuk pengamal perubatan dan juga pesakit.

Keizinan (consent) untuk menjalani rawatan perubatan akan diambil daripada pesakit dewasa berumur 18 tahun ke atas. Manakala, keizinan menjalankan rawatan perubatan bagi pesakit di bawah 18 tahun akan ditandatangani oleh ibubapa/penjaga pesakit tersebut.

Aspirasi kami ialah untuk menjadi sebuah klinik yang terkenal dengan khidmat perubatan yang cekap dan cepat, selesa dan mesra pelanggan serta selamat. Kami komited kearah matlamat ini dengan kerjasama semua kakitangan yang bekerja secara “teamwork”.
a.      Pesakit boleh mendapatkan anggaran harga/bayaran rawatan perubatan daripada kaunter atau doktor yang bertugas.
b.      Harga rawatan yang umum akan dipaparkan di papan pengumuman klinik.
c.       Pesakit boleh mendapatkan maklumat terperinci mengenai bil rawatan berkenaan dengan rawatan perubatan yang telah dijalankan di kaunter klinik.

2.       TEMUJANJI
a.      Kami mengharapkan pesakit yang mempunyai temujanji di klinik ini dapat hadir 15 minit lebih awal daripada masa temujanji yang telah ditetapkan.
b.      Sekiranya terdapat perubahan/pembatalan temujanji, pesakit akan dimaklumkan sekurang-kurangnya satu hari sebelum tarikh temujanji tersebut.
c.       Kami mengharapkan pesakit dapat memaklumkan kepada klinik sekurang-kurangnya 1-2 hari sebelum tarikh temujanji sekiranya pesakit ingin melakukan sebarang perubahan/pembatalan temujanji.

a.      Rujukan pesakit ke hospital (kerajaan / swasta) akan dilakukan sekiranya terdapat sebarang masalah yang memerlukan perhatian khusus atau rawatan Pakar daripada unit-unit perubatan yang tertentu.

a.      Sebarang rekod rawatan dan maklumat pesakit dirahsiakan kecuali dalam hal rujukan luar.

1.      Pesakit akan dimaklumkan mengenai masalah dan keadaan kesihatan yang dialaminya dan segala pilihan rawatan yang boleh dilakukan termasuklah kos/harga rawatan tersebut.
2.      Pesakit perlu dirawat dengan sopan dan rasa hormat.
3.      Pesakit digalakkan untuk bertanya tentang sebarang rawatan perubatan yang ingin dilakukan termasuklah kos/harga rawatan semasa mendaftar di kaunter klinik.
4.      Pesakit yang mengalami masalah kesihatan yang serius dan tenat (kes kecemasan) akan diutamakan dahulu (triage).

1.      Semua ubatan untuk pesakit hanya boleh ditulis/dipesan oleh doktor perubatan yang berdaftar sahaja.
2.      Semua ubatan untuk pesakit hanya boleh diberi kepada pesakit selepas ditulis/dipesan oleh doktor perubatan yang berdaftar sahaja.

Kami mengalu-alukan sebarang aduan, cadangan dan respon daripada pesakit yang telah berdaftar dan menjalani rawatan perubatan di klinik kami. Sebarang aduan atau respon boleh dilakukan menerusi borang cadangan (peti cadangan), telefon, fax dan e-mel. Kami akan memberi maklum balas dalam masa 2 minggu bergantung kepada kesibukan klinik.

TEL: 03-78322735/018 3795073


Monday, 24 February 2014

Next Step in Finilizing Your Clinic

Once the application forms from the CKAPS inspection has been submitted, the forms will be presented in a meeting held once a month in UKAPS where the Director General of Health will be present. He/she will evaluate the application. Once approved, they will mail back the approved application and we are asked to check and ensure that the information of our clinic is correct and complete. We then return the forms with our updated APC (with the new clinic address) together with a cashier's cheque/postage cheque ammounting to RM1000. Subsequently, they will process our Borang B. By right, it should take 2-3 weeks after the meeting but mine took a bit of time due to some technical problems. Once we receive our Borang B (which is the clinic's license), we are considered operational.

Wednesday, 19 February 2014


The days of a clinic being "open free" has long gone since the increase in rates of crime. Many have advised me on security and the necessity to install certain measures to ensure the safety of the staff and patients.There were many break ins and daylight robbery occurring rampantly these days. There are many options available in the market and a variety of methods. Those that I chose for Klinik Novamedik:

1. Security cameras.
- live recording
- live feed via Internet to handheld devices or laptops
- good for capturing daily events, patient and staff behaviors, as well as any occurrences that happens after the clinic closes

2. An extra grill for the windows.
Most shoplots come with open windows. Grills are essential in ensuring security.

3. Shutter grill.
Although all shoplots come with  a shutter, a secondary shutter grill might prove useful as many thieves are able to break the basic shutter quite easily.

4. Access door.
The keycard entry method will provide extra security as guests/customers must press a doorbell and only be allowed entry by the staff if they appear safe. Suspicious or threatening patrons are not allowed entry. Staffs are granted keycards for ingress and egress from the premises.

Although the above sounds harsh and paints a picture that the clinic behaves more like a fortress, the sense of security is comforting. But a sense of heighten awareness is necessary to prevent any unwanted criminal activities as thieves nowadays are getting more creative and bold.

Ways to evaluate potential criminals:
1. Has wandering eyes.
2. Wears full face helmets and refuses to remove it.
3. Almost always wears dark colors.
4. Comes with an accomplice who is waiting in their getaway car/motorcycle outside and not parked.
5. Suspicious behavior. Eg: walking back and forth examining your premises, appears overly nervous, no eye contact...

However, if the unthinkable happens, and a robbery does occur:
1. Stay CALM.
2. NEVER fight back.
3. Always obey their commands.
4. Cooperate as much as possible.
5. Give whatever they want.
6. Make a formal police report once the chaos ends.

Here's hoping and praying for a safe business future ahead.

Friday, 14 February 2014

We are now on Facebook.

Well, its quite obvious that advertising is essential in promoting our clinic. Hence, we have opened our official Klinik Novamedik Facebook page and invite everyone to come and visit. We will update the site with new contents and services as often as possible. Any questions or inquiry regarding our clinic could also be posted here. Thank you and cheers.

Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Test Run

We shall make a test run soon before our soft launch in which if everything goes well, the official opening will commence. Wish us luck!!!

Wednesday, 8 January 2014

The Waiting Game.

Once MOH has inspected your clinic, and all the necessary alterations has been made to comply their requirements, the MOH inspection team will submit their completed inspection form to CKAPS which will be brought forward to their meeting for approval. This may take awhile as the meeting is held once a month and his helmed by the Deputy General or Vice DG of health. Our status of application can be checked online via medpcs ( By this time, you should have been a member of this portal and once logged in, you could check your status application. Initially, mine was labelled "received" before inspection, now its labelled "comply", and the inspection status showed "in process". Hoping that everything goes smoothly. Can't wait to open.

Friday, 3 January 2014


Alterations has been made to meet the kkm requirements. Learning point: kkm is strict when it comes to inspection. Please comply to their requirements.